Investigating Representation, Inclusivity, and Social Responsibility in Rai’s Fictional Audiovisual Productions.
Call of Papers
30-10-2025, 31-10-2025
About the project
WokeIt. Investigating Representation, Inclusivity and Social Responsibility in Rai’s Fictional Audiovisual Productions is a 24-month project funded by the Italian Ministry of University and Research and the Next Generation EU program (PRIN 2022 PNRR).
The project aims to critically investigate the strategies of inclusiveness and representation of minorities in fictional audiovisual content produced by Rai Fiction and Rai Cinema, the production companies owned by the Italian public service broadcaster Rai. Through the interdisciplinary analysis of policies, industrial practices, on-screen representations, and the modes of circulation and reception of Rai-produced (or co-produced) TV series and movies since 2015, the project is designed to develop a systemic framework that can critically read and analyze the level of social responsibility and actual relevance of the public service broadcaster’s industrial and narrative strategies of representation and inclusion. In other words, we ask: does Rai’s strategy constitute a meaningful and effective model of corporate social responsibility or is it another case of “-washing”?
The project analyzes three main interconnected levels:
- Production: Rai’s business strategies and policies driving its choices on diversity representation, as well as its diversity communication rhetorics.
- Representation: Rai’s representation strategies, visual rhetorics, and stereotypes.
- Circulation and Reception: The circulation patterns of Rai Fiction and Rai Cinema content from the perspective of inclusive representation agendas, as well as common critic and audience responses to the texts.
This approach seeks to interconnect otherwise segmented research in film and television studies, shedding new light on Rai’s production companies. It also aims to integrate representation practices within the economic, industrial, political, and sociocultural system of Italian media, reflecting on the concrete relevance of inclusive representation strategies. Ultimately, it re-examines the role of Rai as a public broadcasting service in the complex contemporary scenario.
Please note that, within the limits of the project, we use the terms “minorities” and “underrepresented minorities” to refer to identities and communities culturally subordinated in Italy in relation to disability, ethnicity, gender, neurodivergence, and sexuality. While we use this moniker as shorthand for simplicity, we also recognize and seek to avoid its intrinsic risks of homogenization. Additionally, we use the term “woke-washing” to refer to the practice of superficially incorporating social justice or progressive themes into TV shows, often to appear socially conscious or inclusive without genuinely addressing deeper issues or promoting meaningful change. This involves using these themes as a marketing strategy rather than a genuine commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Production Modes, Policies, Communication Rhetorics
To analyze Rai’s business strategies, policies, and communication rhetorics in order to understand: the rationale behind representation choices; the impact of corporate social responsibility policies; the influence of digital and commercial competition; and how diversity is communicated while balancing creative and commercial needs.
Circulation and Reception Trends
To explore the distribution and reception patterns of Rai content regarding inclusivity, investigating: broad distribution trends in different contexts, relationships between production and distribution actors, and how inclusivity influences both circulation strategies and audience/critical reception.
Modes of Representation
To examine Rai’s representation strategies and visual rhetorics, focusing on: the evolution of narrative choices; trends in innovation and stereotyping; the impact of digital competition; and how casting, genres, and themes have changed over time.
Frameworks & Methodologies
To develop interdisciplinary tools and frameworks to analyze production, representation, and circulation in Italian media, integrating economic, industrial, cultural, and social approaches.
Research Units

Paola Brembilla
Associate Professor
Principal Investigator
Paola Brembilla is Associate Professor at the University of Bologna, where she teaches Television and Digital Media. Her research interests concern the intersection of business models, narrative forms, and socio-cultural contexts in serial narratives. She is the author of numerous publications, including articles, chapters, and books, among which La televisione italiana. Storie, generi e linguaggi (with L. Barra and V. Innocenti, Pearson 2024), Franchise Mediali. Industrie, narrazioni, pubblici (Pàtron, 2023), and It’s All Connected. L’evoluzione delle serie TV statunitensi (Franco Angeli, 2018). With Ilaria A. De Pascalis, she edited the volume Reading Contemporary Serial Television Universes (Routledge, 2018). She is Principal Investigator of the project WokeIt, Investigating Representation, Inclusivity and Social Responsibility in Rai’s Fiction Audiovisual Productions (PRIN 2022 PNRR) and Associated Investigator of the project Circulating Populist Sentiments in 21st Century Film and TV Fiction in Italy (PRIN 2022).

Veronica Innocenti
Full Professor
Veronica Innocenti is Full Professor at the University of Bologna, Department of the Arts, where she teaches courses on television history, film and media marketing, fashion, and audiovisual media. Her research is focused on the historical development of television formats, with specific reference to serial narratives. She is also interested in the relationship between media industries and audience reception, with a particular emphasis on gender dynamics. She has extensively written on television series, reality TV, and Italian media adopting an ecosystemic approach. Her most recent publications are La televisione italiana. Storie, generi e linguaggi (with Luca Barra and Paola Brembilla, Pearson 2024) and Moda e televisione (Carocci, 2025). She is Editor in Chief of SERIES. International Journal of Serial Narratives and Editor of Cinéma & Cie. Film and Media Studies Journal, and she has been a speaker and organizer for many national and international conferences.

Marco Cucco
Associate Professor
Marco Cucco is Associate Professor at the University of Bologna and Head of the postgraduate Master in Film and Audiovisual Management. He received his PhD in Communication at the Università della Svizzera Italiana (Switzerland), and he has been a visiting scholar at several universities: City University of New York (USA), Université de Lorraine (France), University of Leeds (UK), and Universiteit Antwerpen (Belgium). His research interests concern mainly film industry and cultural policy. He has written papers published by international journals like Studies in European Cinema, Film Studies, European Journal of Communication, Journal of Transcultural Communication, Journal of Italian Cinema & Media Studies, and Media, Culture & Society and authored three books. He is currently vice-chair of the Film Studies Section of ECREA (European Communication Research and Education Association) and serves on regional committees for public film financing.

Stefano Guerini Rocco
Research Fellow
Stefano Guerini Rocco is a Research Fellow at the University of Bologna, where he collaborates on the project WokeIt, Investigating Representation, Inclusivity and Social Responsibility in Rai’s Fiction Audiovisual Productions (PRIN 2022 PNRR). He is also an adjunct professor at the Catholic University of Milan and a lecturer at the SAE Institute of Milan. His research interests include the production of media content for teen audiences across both cinema and television, focusing on examining teen audiences and exploring inclusive narratives within these platforms. He took part in the research project CinCit – International Circulation of Italian Cinema (PRIN 2015) as a visiting researcher at the Università della Svizzera Italiana. He has participated in several international conferences and published in academic journals like L’Avventura, Imago, Comunicazioni Sociali. He is a member of the editorial team of Series – International Journal of TV Serial Narratives.

Greta Delpanno
PhD Student
Greta Delpanno is a Doctoral Candidate in a joint supervision program in études cinématographiques at the Université de Montréal, supervised by Professor Marta Boni, and in Arts, History, and Society at the Università di Bologna, supervised by Professor Paola Brembilla. Her research, focusing on seriality and gender studies, explores LGBTQIA+ representation in recent Italian TV series on streaming platforms. Specializing in cinema and new media, Delpanno has earned multiple scholarships for international exchanges and was a visiting scholar at California State University, Chico, in 2021. Delpanno has also been an active speaker at several international conferences. She contributes actively to the Labo Télé research group, led by Marta Boni at the Université de Montréal, and is involved in the PRIN 2022 PNRR program WokeIt, Investigating Representation, Inclusivity, and Social Responsibility in Rai’s Productions (2015-2022), directed by Paola Brembilla at the University of Bologna.

Dominic Holdaway
Associate Professor
Dom Holdaway is an Associate Professor in film, television, and media studies at the University of Urbino, where he teaches undergraduate and postgraduate courses in film history, distribution, and media industries. His main research interests are in the politics of moving images, especially in relation to the distribution and circulation of film and TV. Within the WokeIt project, he is working on the ways that identity politics, representation, and inclusivity are tied to the cultures of film distribution, concentrating in particular on the films that are co-produced by Italian public service broadcaster, via Rai Cinema and 01 Distribution.

Pierandrea Villa
Research Fellow
Pierandrea Villa received his doctorate in Film and Media Studies at the IULM University of Milan in 2023. In 2022 he participated in the research project Mediamorfosi: transmedialità e traduzione intersemiotica nell’era della convergenza. He is currently a Research Fellow at the University of Urbino Carlo Bo and participates in the project WokeIt, Investigating representation, inclusivity and social responsibility in RAI’s fictional audiovisual productions (2015-2022). His main research interests are platform studies, media franchise studies, and critical Internet studies with a focus on user-generated content. His recent publications include Matrix Resurrection, dalle origini alla parodia del racconto transmediale e delle logiche di produzione dei media franchise, in “Poli-femo,” n. 27, 2024; Netflix e il fantasma della standardizzazione, in “Ottoemezzo,” n. 69, 2023; Supereroi, saghe e universi narrativi. L’industria culturale contemporanea tra media franchise e autorialità, in A. Chiurato (a cura di), Transmedialità e crossmedialità. Nuove prospettive, Milano: Mimesis, 2022.

Massimiliano Coviello
Associate Professor
Massimiliano Coviello is a film and media studies Associate Professor at the Link Campus University. His research agenda includes media languages, with a focus on narrative analysis and representation forms, particularly in film and TV series. He is currently the Unit leader of the WokeIt project. He is also a member of the projects Gender Equality through Media Investigation and New Training Insights (Cerv European Programme) and Ciak-EU! EU-rope Through Films: History, Identity, and Policies (Ciak-EU!), funded by Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Chair. Among his publications are the books: La rivincita dei falliti. Maschere e antieroi in Better Call Saul (Edizioni Estemporanee 2023), Comunità seriali. Mondi narrati ed esperienze mediali nelle serie televisive (Meltemi 2022), Sensibilità e potere. Il cinema di Pablo Larraín (with F. Zucconi, Pellegrini 2017).

Valentina Re
Full Professor
Valentina Re is Full Professor at Link Campus University. She is currently the PI of the research project The Atlas of Italian ‘Giallo’: Media History and Popular Culture (1954-2020), funded by the Italian Ministry of University and Research. Her research agenda includes film and literary theory, production and distribution studies, and Italian and European film and television industry. Her most recent books are Peripheral Locations in European TV Crime Series, Palgrave Macmillan 2023 (with K. T. Hansen) and Le belle donne ci piacciono. E come! «Cinema nuovo», cultura comunista e modelli di mascolinità (1952-1958), Diabasis 2021 (with E. Mandelli).

Arianna Vergari
Research Fellow
Arianna Vergari is a Research Fellow at Link Campus University of Rome, where she teaches Film History and Experimental Cinema. As a member of the research project PRIN 2020 The Atlas of Italian Giallo: Media History and Popular Culture (1954-2020) and the research project PRIN 2022 PNRR WokeIt, Investigating Representation, Inclusivity and Social Responsibility in Rai’s Fiction Audiovisual Productions (2015-2022), she is working on the representation of female characters in crime narratives within television and cinema. Her other research areas include documentary cinema with a focus on experimental and avant-garde forms, film theory, and analysis. She has published articles in academic journals including Imago, SigMa, and Fata Morgana, and has participated in various national and international conferences. She is about to publish her first monograph Caleidoscopi urbani. Metamorfosi del city symphony film tra modernità e postmodernità (Mimesis 2024). She also works as a filmmaker and visual education operator in schools.
Our Online Exhibition

- Paola Brembilla and Stefano Guerini Rocco (University of Bologna)
Mappare la diversity nella serialità Rai: dati, tendenze, risultati.
Workshop “Ripensare ‘DEI’ nei media audiovisivi. Studiare la rappresentazione e l’inclusività nell’Italia di oggi”
Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo, January 16-17, 2025. - Massimiliano Coviello (Link Campus University)
Sguadi “altri” nel cinema italiano contemporaneo: fenomeni migratori e seconde generazioni in alcune produzioni Rai.
Workshop “Ripensare ‘DEI’ nei media audiovisivi. Studiare la rappresentazione e l’inclusività nell’Italia di oggi”
Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo, January 16-17, 2025. - Dom Holdaway and Pierandrea Villa (Univeristy of Urbino)
Mappare la diversity nelle coproduzioni Rai Cinema: tendenze e criticità.
Workshop “Ripensare ‘DEI’ nei media audiovisivi. Studiare la rappresentazione e l’inclusività nell’Italia di oggi”
Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo, January 16-17, 2025. - Stefano Guerini Rocco (University of Bologna)
Beyond Netflix. Investigating Inclusivity in Rai’s Fiction Audiovisual Productions
The American University of Rome, November 11, 2024. - Massimiliano Coviello (Link Campus University)
Diversity and its representation strategies in Rai TV Series.
Workshop Ethics and Politics of TV Series
Sapienza Università di Roma, September 30-October 1, 2024. - Paola Brembilla (University of Bologna)
Investigating representation, inclusivity, and social responsibility in Rai’s fiction audiovisual productions.
Workshop Ethics and Politics of TV Series
Sapienza Università di Roma, September 30-October 1, 2024. - Paola Brembilla and Stefano Guerini Rocco (University of Bologna)
La fiction Rai tra brand integration e social washing: i casi di Doc 3 e Mare fuori 4.
Conference Screen Cultures Reloaded. Parole chiave per la ricerca sui media in Italia
Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo, July 10-11, 2024. - Greta Delpanno (University of Bologna)
Netflix and Queer Content: Does the Platform Favor LGBTQ+ Products?
International Conference Representation of Diversity in Mediated Popular Culture in the Twenty-First Century
Rotterdam University, June 10-11, 2024. - Valentina Re (Link Campus University)
Women’s On-Screen Representation and Behind-the-Scenes Employment in Italian TV Crime Drama.
International Conference Representation of Diversity in Mediated Popular Culture in the Twenty-First Century
Rotterdam University, June 10-11, 2024. - Dom Holdaway (University of Urbino) & Pierandrea Villa (University of Urbino)
The Impact of Diversity Agendas in Distribution and Circulation: Between Public Service Mandates and Political Content.
International Conference Representation of Diversity in Mediated Popular Culture in the Twenty-First Century
Rotterdam University, June 10-11, 2024. - Massimiliano Coviello (Link Campus University)
Researching Diversity and its Representation Strategies in the Italian Public Broadcasting Service: the case of La Storia.
International Conference Representation of Diversity in Mediated Popular Culture in the Twenty-First Century
Rotterdam University, June 10-11, 2024. - Paola Brembilla (University of Bologna)
Investigating Representation, Inclusivity and Social Responsibility in the Fictional Audiovisual Productions of the Italian Public Broadcasting Service.
International Conference Representation of Diversity in Mediated Popular Culture in the Twenty-First Century
Rotterdam University, June 10-11, 2024. - Stefano Guerini Rocco (University of Bologna)
Sulla soglia del trash. Rappresentazioni inclusive nelle produzioni seriali Rai contemporanee.
Conference “[…] cose di pessimo gusto”. Storia e fenomenologia del trash nelle sue manifestazioni spettacolari, cinematografiche, mediali e musicali contemporanee.
Università degli Studi di Torino, May 27-29, 2024. - Massimiliano Coviello (Link Campus University)
WokeIt. Investigating Representation, Inclusivity and Social Responsibility in Rai’s Fictional Audiovisual Productions (2015-2022)
Workshop Metodologie e spazi della ricerca sui media
Link Campus University, November 21, 2023.
Workshop “Ripensare ‘DEI’ nei media audiovisivi. Studiare la rappresentazione e l’inclusività nell’Italia di oggi”
Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo, January 16-17, 2025.
PTCO “Che cos’è una narrazione seriale? Impariamo a costruire storie inclusive”
Link Campus University, January 8-9-10 and 29-30-31, 2025.
“Un professore”. A Conversation with Davide Sala (story editor) and Valentina Gaddi (writer)
University of Bologna, December 9, 2024.- “Doc – Nelle tue mani”. A Conversation with Francesco Arlanch and Viola Rispoli (head writers)
University of Bologna, December 2, 2024. - Sulle tracce dell’altro tra sguardi, archivi e memorie. A conversation with Andrea Segre
Link Campus University, November 27, 2024. - Comunità seriali: strategie di inclusione nella fiction Rai. Rappresentazioni inclusive e logiche interattive: studenti ed esperti a confronto
Workshop in collaboration with Festival Città delle Cento Scale (Potenza), November 14-15, 2024. - A Conversation with Ludovico Bessegato
University of Bologna, October 18, 2024. - A Conversation with Ivan Silvestrini
University of Bologna, October 11, 2024. - A Conversation with Giampiero Rigosi and Carlo Lucarelli
University of Bologna, June 4, 2024.
Massimiliano Coviello
Comunità seriali, “Il Bellese”, n. 169, pp. 20-21.